I am Patrick Fletcher, Owner, Outfitter, Professional Hunter and your Guide.

More about Patrick...

I am passionate about Africa, the dark continent that has enthralled adventurers and hunters for centuries. I care deeply for the well-being of all that call Africa home. I am a hunter, fisher and outdoor enthusiast.

The chase is what drives me for success, whether hunting or guiding the excitement at seeing what the outcome of my decisions are keeps me looking over the next ridge.

The place unexplored is what calls me, beckons me, to continue looking for the next new hunting area or the next off the beaten track destination. I have travelled extensively and have learnt through trial and error how to put together the perfect Safari.

Let me and my handpicked team make your safari dreams a reality. We strive for success and know that every guest is as unique as the safaris we put together for them. Experience is gained through time and does not happen overnight... we have had the time and we know what works best. We carry this experience through to all that we do at Hotfire, sweating the small stuff so the big picture is perfect.

I am Ryan Phelan, Owner, Outfitter, Professional Hunter and your Guide.

More about Ryan...

I was born in a game reserve and lived my life in the Bush under the watchful guidance of my Conservationist Professional Hunter father.

It goes without saying that my atavistict instinct was developed from an early age and is well instilled in me. I live for the thrill of discovering and exploring the deep dark corners where others choose not to explore in order to find that once in a life time old animal that will fulfill one's dreams and deliver the expectations that you have always had of Africa.

I will always have respect for the quarry we are hunting and for the manner in which it will be hunted. This is also for respect to you, the client.


The best hunting that Africa has to offer

It is not just a safari, it is a Hotfire Safari! We offer top quality trophy hunts, management hunts, and touring options all over South Africa. Conserving what we have for future generations. We look forward to each and every safari as if it were our own and the greatest reward for us all is ensuring that guests leave knowing they made the right decision by choosing Hotfire for their African safari.

We strive for success

Every guest is as unique as the safaris we put together for them
Experience is gained through time and does not happen overnight, we have had the time and we know what works best. We carry this experience through to all that we do at Hotfire, sweating the small stuff so the big picture is perfect.



WRSA is the national wildlife ranching organisation comprising individuals in the wildlife industry. WRSA’s strength lies in its members including land owners with an interest in game, game ranchers, professional hunters, hunting outfitters, taxidermists, game reserves and mixed farmers.

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